Monday, September 10, 2007

Apple from Eve, chapter 9

If you'll remember, chapter 8 ended with some sort of catastrophic disaster (it turns out that a gas main exploded, wrecking most of Euphemia's ward, though the rest of the hospital escapes with minor damage). Tane comes to save the day, helping Euphemia and half a dozen sick men get out the fire escapes.
The next day, Euphemia is informed that her patients will be sent to another hospital while her ward is rebuilt, and that Tane has suggested that she take over as relief Sister for a while. I'm not sure why this idea bothers Euphemia so much, unless it's because Tane is interfering to arrange her career. (If you'll remember, Euphemia is annoyed with Tane, because he bought the mortgage to her house).
The doctor on staff insists that Euphemia go to her own home to recover for a few days (Tane has given permission for her to use the house). I mean, he makes her promise, and won't let her switch her days off. Astonishingly, this doesn't make Euphemia suspicious. Tane shows up on the second day, as she is cleaning the kitchen floor and crying. I'm not sure why Betts decided to go for this Cinderella image of the heroine crying in the muck, as the hero tells her he loves her and gives her the papers for the house, but there you go.
To my amusement, this last scene takes place with Tane dressed in "a trendy waistcoat", among other items of clothing. My SO swears there is no such thing.
Tomorrow: The Awakened Heart!

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