Saturday, August 18, 2007

All Else Confusion, chapter 4

After the funeral, Jake had kept Annis in Bath on the pretext of work, but we learn here that he was lying - there's only a half-hour of phone calls. If this were a very different type of romance, this would lead to Gothic horror - will the heroine ever get home? - or a seduction scene. But it's a Betts, so of course they chastely get into his Bentley and go off to meet his family. His grandmother jumps the gun a bit, which leads to this ever-so-romantic proposal:
Jake: Grandmother approves of you, isn't that nice? She longs to be a great-granny.
Annis: Whatever has that got to do with me?
Jake: I told her that I was going to marry you.
It turns out that I was wrong about the last chapter; Jake is in love with Annis, but he doesn't realize it yet. They're going to marry in three weeks' time. Jake (because he's rich, of course) tells Annis not to worry about a trousseau, and suggests to her parents that he give them a little something to pay for a helper to take Annis's place (though since they didn't really need one when Annis was in Bath, why bother now?). Matt, by the way, wants to marry Annis's younger sister.

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